If you or a loved one has been injured and you are attempting to get compensation or even go through your insurance company without having legal representation, you could be spending a lot of time on your efforts and you will probably not get as far as you would like. This is the time that you should focus on your health and your treatment, not worrying about talking to insurance adjustors, who no matter how "friendly" they seem, will be closely monitoring everything you say and do to use against you when it comes time to resolve your claim.
Your first step in successfully getting proper compensation is to call for legal representation. Having that personal injury attorney on your side with the knowledge of how to get through the insurance companys' red tape is going to make the difference not only in how much time you have to spend on your case, but also how much of a settlement the court states you are entitled to. Not only that, but many times we can negotiate a proper settlement out of court. These types of settlements come much faster than having to wait for court dates.
Having an experienced attorney represent you for your injuries is the wisest choice you can make. Let their team work for you and handle the insurance companies all while helping you build a solid claim against the at-fault party.
Call us today if you have been injured in an automobile accident or slip and fall. Don't put it off any longer. You have nothing to lose in this win-win situation. There is never a fee unless we resolve your claim for you!
Please feel free to call us at 800-529-6263 (or 800-law-man-3) any time if you have questions or if you need advice.